Your Support Is Critical
Twin Meadows Animal Rescue has no paid staff nor any physical facilities to house rescued animals. The organization runs lean and mean solely through the efforts of volunteers. Even so, annual costs for vet services can exceed $60,000 even with considerable discounts from our partners at Tanglefoot Veterinary Services. Any and all donations are appreciated.
If you donate $20/month
Your donation of $240 / year will make a big difference:
Spay / neuter a cat or dog to prevent unwanted litters
Provide food, treats and medicines for a foster for a month
Buy much needed supplies such as litter, toys, leashes and harnesses
Twin Meadows Animal Rescue received Charitable Status in February 2024 (Charitable #74450 6338 RR0001)
Tax receipts will be sent automatically at the time of your donation. The email will come from contact@Zeffy.com
If you choose to make monthly donations, one tax receipt will be sent at the end of the calendar year
You will be asked to support Zeffy when you confirm your donation. This is voluntary and can be customized. Use the drop down menu to edit your contribution